Soraluce supplies first climate-neutral machine to Achenbach Buschhütten.
Achenbach Buschhütten wants expand its production with a new Soraluce bed type milling machine. In addition to the many requirements for the new machine, such as technologies, tolerances and performance, the focus of the investment is on sustainability and thus climate-neutral production of the machine.
“Our family business, founded in 1452, is already sustainable and absolutely technology-oriented by tradition. Setting up our own production machinery to be climate-neutral for the future was the next logical step for us, which is also absolutely appreciated by our end customers,” says Sebastian Groos, Managing Director at Achenbach Buschhütten.
When buying a new machine, customers nowadays attach importance to keeping their carbon footprint as low as possible and expect their suppliers to make a credible and effective contribution to climate protection.
Soraluce is aware of its corporate responsibility and has mastered the challenge of combining economic interests with the idea of sustainability.
The company addresses the direct and indirect impact that its work has on the environment. Along the entire production chain, Soraluce reduces the emissions generated in the manufacturing process to a minimum. Soraluce machines – from raw material to delivery – are produced climate neutrally.
The company was awarded the silver medal in the EcoVadis rating, one of the world’s most reliable sustainability ratings for companies.
The future-oriented company Achenbach Buschhütten lives sustainability as part of its corporate culture. It is therefore a matter of course that energy and resource efficiency of the company’s own rolling mills has been a focus of R&D activities for many years.
But they wanted to take the sustainability concept even further, and so the standards the company sets internally are part of the supplier selection process. For the new machine investment, Achenbach Buschhütten attached great importance to climate-neutral production and Soraluce was able to convince with its bed type milling machine both from an economic and ecological point of view.
This attitude is also underlined by the statement of Dr. Gabriele Barten, Marketing Director and Member of the Management Board of Achenbach Buschhütten in the podcast Stadtgespräch from 11.11.2021 on WDR 5: “For us at Achenbach Buschhütten, sustainability is a mindset. It is not an additional, annoying activity that we now have to deal with as well. And we understand it holistically as a triad of economic, ecological and social responsibility…”
Soraluce and Achenbach Buschhütten share the conviction that it is their duty to safeguard the future of subsequent generations through an effective climate strategy. These shared values form a strong foundation for a successful and sustainable cooperation between the two companies.